
The information contained on the website of Pacific Executive Health Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “PEH”), www.pacificexecutivehealth.com, is published for general reference and information purposes only. Although endeavours are made to improve accuracy of relevant information, the PEH does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or usefulness of the information on this website or the information provided through links to third party websites. The PEH shall not be liable for any error or omission or any misrepresentation in the information on this website and the PEH expressly disclaims and excludes any obligation or liability for any loss, damage, and costs arising from the information appearing on this website or provided through links to third party websites. This is a Canadian website, its content is intended only for local viewers of Canada.

This disclaimer has been translated into Chinese. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.


Pacific Executive Health(簡稱PEH)的網站www.pacificexecutivehealth.com的資訊是有本機構編輯而成的,完全可以利用一般參考及資訊用途。 網站資訊或所提供的第三方網站連接是準確,完整,適時或適用。PEH特此表明,任何因為有關此網站資訊或此網站所提供的第三方網站連接而招致的任何損失,賠償,或費用 ,PEH不承擔任何義務或責任。此免責聲明已翻譯成中文。如英文版本和中文版本有任何替代或不清晰重疊,以英文版本為準。